Smart Money Tip #54

In this Christmas Edition of the Smart Money Tip. We are giving you 3 cleaning hacks to help you with your Christmas cleaning. What are some cleaning hacks you’ve been using?
Smart Money Tip #53

Will the Pandemic Create Debt Laden Zombie Countries? In this week’s Smart Money Tip, we’re discussing what taking on even larger debts during the pandemic can mean for your country! Do you think the huge sums of that taken on during the pandemic will hamper smaller countries?
Smart Money Tip #52

Experts often advise us to stay away from Zombie Companies But what are they anyway? In this week Smart Money Tip we would discuss what they are and why you should stay away to avoid losing big when investing. Download Now to start investing in the Stock Market today, an e-book with a Secret List […]
Smart Money Tip #50

Hey Smart Money Team during our poll last week, we noticed a large percentage of you are currently saving via Credit Unions, as a result, this week’s smart money tip is geared towards educating you on this investment method.⠀ ⠀ Ready to expand your investment options?⠀ Start investing in the Stock Market today by downloading […]
Smart Money Tip #46

We often hear on the news that a stock is up or down ‘X’ points….but what does that mean anyway?⠀ ⠀ This week we unravel how to tell if you’re stocks are gaining or losing value ⠀ ⠀⠀ Which stock do you want to invest in? Comment below let us know.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ➡️Get started with […]
Smart Money Tip #44

Hey #Smart Money Team, ⠀ Ever wondered what those symbols running across the bottom of the screen when looking at CNN were? This week we’re demystifying the meaning of these symbols to help you know what are the 🔥 stocks you should invest in. Which stock do you want to invest in? Comment below let us know. ➡️Get started […]
Smart Money Tip #42

Is this a Sou Sou?? 5 ways to spot a pyramid scheme 😱 Sou Sou is an informal loans/savings scheme which originated in West Africa and is popular among Caribbean and Latin communities 🇬🇾🇯🇲🇧🇷🇧🇸🇹🇹🇳🇬
Smart Money Tip #40

Learn to invest in stocks without losing money! No one likes to lose money but swipe right to learn about getting practical experience trading without putting the bag at risk 🙅 💰 Get started with a demo account here:
Smart Money Tip #04

Smart Money Tip #05